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KEENTON 6 years ago
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-[![Keenton : Informatique / Cloud / Infogérance / SaaS](](
-## Zabbix Template - pfSense
-FreeBSD template pfSense-oriented:
-  - complete remodeling of memory monitoring
-  - metrics from the memory buffer used by the network (_MBUF_)
-  - metrics on State Table usage
-  - improved visibility of graphics
-  - revised triggers
-#### We talk about it on our blog
-[PfSense Monitoring with Integrated Zabbix Agent](
-#### Requirements
-  - _admin_ access on Zabbix server and firewall pfSense
-#### Zabbix Server
-Nothing special, just import both templates, create the host for pfSense and link it to the appropriate template (active or passive).
-#### Zabbix Agent: _User Parameters_
-In Zabbix agent config on pfSense, you must display the advanced configuration options and add to the _User Parameters_ field that just appeared:
-    UserParameter=pfsense.states.max,grep "limit states" /tmp/rules.limits | cut -f4 -d ' '
-    UserParameter=pfsense.states.current,grep "current entries" /tmp/pfctl_si_out | tr -s ' ' | cut -f4 -d ' '
-    UserParameter=pfsense.mbuf.current,netstat -m | grep "mbuf clusters" | cut -f1 -d ' ' | cut -d '/' -f1
-    UserParameter=pfsense.mbuf.cache,netstat -m | grep "mbuf clusters" | cut -f1 -d ' ' | cut -d '/' -f2
-    UserParameter=pfsense.mbuf.max,netstat -m | grep "mbuf clusters" | cut -f1 -d ' ' | cut -d '/' -f4
-Commands used:
-  - `grep`: filter text by pattern.
-  - `netstat`: show network status.
-  - `cut`: cut out selected portions of each line.
-  - `tr`: replace characters (used here to replace the space sequences with a single space, necessary in some cases to properly use the `cut` command).
-##### _Timeout!_
-In Zabbix Agent config (on pfSense) you may need to increase the timeout value (set to 3 seconds by default). It is certainly the first thing to check on Zabbix Agent if you find yourself unable to retrieve some _User Parameters_ metrics.
-#### Template App Zabbix Agent
-The link with this template has been remove for the "Active" version does not exist by default in Zabbix. Do not forget to add it in the linked templates.
-_ps: you may create an "Active" template version by cloning the "Passive" one and changing the type of items._